VevoCart Error: Site Cannot Be Empty

When using PayPal Pro, you may experience the error "Site Cannot Be Empty. Click here to re-enter payment information".

This issue is caused by the "SiteName" configuration being empty and the error itself is reported by PayPalPro, so searching for the error message in VevoCart is not helpful. This configuration option is difficult to leave empty on the default language, so this issue typically only occurs when you run your multi-store site with multiple languages. If the configuration value is not set for your current language, you will experience this error.

Solution 1: Select the "Store Config" option in your administration panel. Your "Store Name" will likely be filled in. Select the "Language" from the top right of the store Config panel to change the language. Once changed, you can now fill in the Store Name option for the language.

Solution 2: To update the configuration in the database, you will need to update the ConfigurationValue table where the ConfigID is 1 (the CultureID is obviously different depending on the language you wish to update).

UPDATE dbo.ConfigurationValue
SET ItemValue = 'Site Name'
WHERE dbo.ConfigurationValue.ConfigID = 1
AND dbo.ConfigurationValue.CultureID = 2
